Evans for West Virginia

Make Checks Out To:
Evans For WV PO Box 146 Prichard, WV 25555

Our campaign has come a long way, but there is still a lot of work to do. Now is the time for us to push on and continue this incredible movement. Please Volunteer to help us win.

Derrick Evans on the issues


Our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is absolute and I oppose efforts to create a national gun registry and other anti-gun legislation that erodes our gun rights.

Term Limits

We must put an end to career politicians. Our founders fought against the ruling class and monarchy to create a government of the people by the people. We need more regular government officials who go to DC to serve their people and return to the communities that elected them. I will push to have Congressional and Senate term limits mirror the limits placed on the President.

What's New

Join Our America First Team: Become A Campaign Volunteer!

As a campaign volunteer, you will have the chance to participate in a variety of meaningful activities, including assisting with constituent outreach, organizing community events, conducting research, and helping with administrative tasks

Pardoned 2025